Click below to view full PDF article Annual results, final ordinary cash dividend declaration and the commencement of a share repurchaseTHUNGELA RESOURCES LIMITED(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)Registration number: 2021/303811/06JSE Share Code: TGALSE Share Code: TGAISIN: ZAE000296554Tax number: 9111917259('Thungela' or the 'Company' and, together with its affiliates, the 'Group')2023 Annual results, final ordinary cash dividend declaration and thecommencement of a share repurchaseTHUNGELA DELIVERS ON STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND ENTERS 2024 ASAN INTERNATIONAL COAL PRODUCERThungela today announced solid financial results for the year ended 31 December2023, against the backdrop of continued rail underperformance and coal priceheadwinds. These achievements underscore the Group's resilience, operationalexcellence and financial discipline. The combination of a final ordinary dividenddistribution of R1.4 billion, and the commencement of a share repurchase (sharebuyback) of up to R500 million subject to market conditions, affirms our commitmentto deliver superior shareholder returns.The acquisition and ongoing integration of the Ensham Mine in Australia marks aseminal step on our path to diversification. We continue to make good progress onour production replacement and life extension projects in South Africa, Elders andZibulo North Shaft, as we build momentum for a more competitive, longer-lifeportfolio. The successful execution of these strategic priorities emphasisesThungela's ambition to building a sustainable, long-life business across multiplegeographies, paving the way for the Group to capitalise on the robust long-termfundamentals supporting coal globally.KEY FEATURESResilient performance underpins strong cash generation and net cash*position, supporting total returns to shareholders of R3.3 billion for 2023 (49%of adjusted operating free cash flow*) - Profit of R5.0 billion, including contribution of R448 million from the Ensham Business for the four months since completion of the transaction - Strong cash generation and balance sheet position maintained, with adjusted operating free cash flow* of R6.8 billion and net cash* of R10.2 billion - Commitment to superior shareholder returns honoured with a final cash dividend declared of R10.00 per share, taking full year dividend to R20.00 per share, or R2.8 billion, in dividends returned to shareholders in relation to 2023 performance - Share buyback of up to R500 million announcedKEY FINANCIAL INFORMATIONFinancial OverviewRand million (unless otherwise stated) 31 December 2023 31 December 2022 % changeRevenue 30,634 50,753 (40)Operating costs (23,737) (22,420) 5.9Profit for the reporting period 4,970 18,205 (73)Earnings per share (cents/share) 3,766 12,708 (70)Headline earnings per share(cents/share) 3,497 13,082 (73)Dividend per share (cents/share) 2,000 10,000 (80)Alternative Performance Measures*(APMs)Adjusted EBITDA 8,454 29,530 (71)Adjusted EBITDA margin (%) 28 58 (30pp)Adjusted operating free cash flow 6,806 18,096 (62)Net cash 10,176 14,720 (31)Capital expenditure 3,288 1,923 71pp - percentage points change year on yearMESSAGE FROM JULY NDLOVU, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERThungela delivered resilient results in 2023. We achieved adjusted EBITDA* of R8.5billion and net profit of R5.0 billion, despite a significant decline in benchmark coalprices and continued poor performance from Transnet Freight Rail (TFR). Earningswere also impacted by the late arrival of seven vessels in December, which resultedin the slippage of approximately 550kt of sales planned for December 2023 intoJanuary 2024.2023 proved transformative for Thungela, with the acquisition of the Ensham Mine inAustralia, approval of an extension to the life of our flagship Zibulo mine, andcontinued execution of the Elders project setting us on a path towards diversification,a more competitive portfolio and a longer life business.Safety is our first value. As reported previously, our colleague Breeze Mahlangutragically passed away in February 2023. While our overall safety performance(measured in total recordable case frequency rate) in South Africa is consistent withlast year, we cannot waiver in our commitment to operating a business free fromfatalities and injuries. We continued to spike on the social component of ESG, withcontributions of R312 million to the Nkulo Community Partnership Trust and theSisonke Employee Empowerment Scheme. In January 2024 we launched a R160million, five-year education initiative in Mpumalanga seeking to improve access toquality education for grade R to grade four learners in 45 no-fee schools.Shareholder returns reflect resilient performance in challenging conditionsThungela successfully navigated several exogenous challenges, including theweaker benchmark coal prices and continued poor rail performance by TFR, as thebusiness delivered operational results in line with our targets.In South Africa, we achieved export saleable production of 12.2Mt, at a free on board(FOB) cost excluding royalties* of R1,084 per export tonne, while we spentR3.0 billion in capital expenditure. This performance is aligned to our guidance to themarket at the release of our 2023 interim results.In Australia, export saleable production of 2.9Mt (on a 100%, full-year basis)exceeded our initial expectations of 2.7Mt. FOB cost excluding royalties* at Enshamfor the period from completion of the acquisition through to the end of year wasR1,544 per tonne. We spent R299 million in capital over the same period (on an85% basis).Our agility in responding to the various challenges helped us maintain strong cashgeneration which resulted in adjusted operating free cash flow* of R6.8 billion in2023, and a net cash* position of R10.2 billion at year end, slightly ahead of ourestimate in the December 2023 Pre-close Statement as a result of better cashconversion, providing room for improved returns to shareholders.The successful execution of our two life extension projects is crucial to the Group'sfuture competitiveness, and their funding requirements continue to determine theappropriate level of balance sheet flexibility. Accordingly, the board considers itappropriate to reserve the R2.6 billion yet to be spent on these projects, as well asthe cash buffer of R5 billion at year end. Thungela remains able to access R3.2billion in undrawn credit facilities, and plans to maintain this flexibility for as long aschallenges to obtaining funding from international capital markets persist. The boardhas also set aside R500 million as cash collateral for the financial surety required forthe Ensham rehabilitation liability, while we pursue acceptance into the QueenslandFinancial Provisioning Scheme.Shareholder returns are a central focus of our capital allocation framework. We notonly invest in initiatives which deliver attractive returns in the long-term, but alsoprioritise returning value to shareholders through dividends and share buybacks, thecombination of which provides flexibility for the diverse preferences of ourshareholders, while maintaining a strong financial position.Since listing, we have consistently delivered on our commitment to distribute aminimum of 30% of adjusted operating free cash flow* to shareholders. This year isno different, and the board has, in line with the Group's capital allocation framework,declared a final ordinary cash dividend of R10.00 per share. Combined with theinterim dividend of R10.00 per share, this amounts to a total dividend of R2.8 billion,representing 41% of adjusted operating free cash flow* for the year.In addition, the board has approved a share buyback of up to R500 million (subjectto market conditions), which will be executed up to the date of the Group's nextAGM. Taking this into account, Thungela is returning 49% of adjusted operating freecash flow* for the full year to shareholders. The dividend and share buyback reflectour confidence in the Group's strong financial position and future prospects.The long-term fundamentals for coal demand remain robustThermal coal prices declined much faster than market observers expected at thestart of 2023. This was driven by a mild winter in the northern hemisphere, coupledwith high coal and gas reserves - a result of the scramble to secure energy stocks in2022, following the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.While global efforts to reduce emissions from fossil fuels are underway, the demandfor energy, including thermal coal, remains strong. This is reflected in record levels ofglobal electricity generation from coal, as well as thermal coal exports. As Europeand North America pledge to phase down unabated coal, the use of coal for powergeneration will become concentrated in Asia, home to several of our key markets.Rapidly growing economies such as China, India, Vietnam, the Philippines andIndonesia remain reliant on coal as an affordable and reliable source of power. In its'Coal 2023 Report' the International Energy Agency acknowledged that coalremained the largest energy source for electricity generation, steel-making andcement production - affirming that coal will continue to play a central role in theglobal economy.Demand remains strong and responsive, but supply is presenting a growingchallenge, with limited access to funding and insurance, increasingly stringentregulatory requirements, and widespread social and political opposition to thedevelopment of new coal mines. This provides companies like Thungela, withestablished high-quality coal operations and access to existing reserves, with asignificant structural advantage.Managing the impact of continued poor rail performanceInconsistent and constrained TFR performance has once again significantlycompromised the South African coal mining industry. In 2023, TFR railed 47.9Mt ofthermal coal to the Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT), compared to 50.3Mt in2022, a decline of 4.8%.We continue to work closely with other industry players and Transnet to remedy railperformance. Through RBCT, the industry has strengthened security measures bydeploying additional security on the coal line for the past 18 months. While theimpasse between TFR and Chinese locomotive supplier CRRC continues, RBCT (onbehalf of the industry) is also helping Transnet to acquire the critical spare partsnecessary for the maintenance of locomotives from alternative suppliers.The cost of the spares and security deployment is recovered by the coal exportingparties through the mutual cooperation agreement signed between TFR and RBCT(representing the coal exporting parties). Further collaborative efforts will addresscritical systems, such as signalling, to improve overall performance.We have responded to TFR's persistent poor performance by curtailing production atour underground mines, renting sidings to improve our rail distribution pattern anddriving efficiencies at our rapid loading terminals. Acting swiftly and decisively in theface of rail challenges has allowed us to benefit from additional trains when they areavailable, and rail 12.3Mt of export saleable volumes in 2023. Given the uncertainnature of TFR's performance, we have agreed to extend the existing long-term railagreement by one year, to 31 March 2025, to allow TFR to demonstrate sufficientstability before the contract is renegotiated.Building a sustainable and long-life business across multiple geographies2023 was a year of significant accomplishments for Thungela as we executed ourstrategic priorities - successfully unlocking new markets and mitigating risk throughour geographic diversification strategy, increasing the life of our business andbuilding an organisation optimised for further diversification. These actionsdemonstrate our singular focus on creating long-term value for our stakeholders.The acquisition of a controlling interest in the Ensham Business in Australia markeda significant milestone on our diversification journey, as it expands Thungela'spresence beyond South Africa. This mitigates our reliance on a single operatinggeography and opens up new markets, notably in Japan and Malaysia, diversifyingour customer base and providing exposure to the Newcastle Benchmark coal price.Ensham will benefit from our operational expertise as it extracts coal usingmechanised underground bord and pillar mining methods, similar to those used inour South African operations. Since we assumed operational control on 1 September2023, our focus has been on improving productivity. Operational performance hasstabilised at an annualised run-rate of 3.2Mtpa, up from 2.7Mtpa at the acquisitiondate. We believe there is opportunity for further improvement to approximately3.6Mtpa through the introduction of an additional production section in 2024.Resource development studies are underway to define the full upside potential of theEnsham resource by identifying brownfield opportunities and their related capitalrequirements.Thriving in a rapidly evolving energy landscape will require the creation of a robustThungela with a long-life, cost competitive portfolio that is diversified and future-proof. We are confident that the depletion of existing reserves globally, coupled witha lack of new supply, will be price supportive in the long term, supporting cashgeneration and shareholder returns.Accordingly, maximising value from our existing assets will be critical to shaping ourfuture business. Through Ensham, and the Elders and Zibulo North Shaft projects,we will transform Thungela into a long-life business with a competitive portfoliomeasured by all-in sustaining cost.The Elders project, which will replace export volumes when the Goedehoop Collieryreaches the end of its life, has progressed rapidly and on budget - delivering firstcoal on 1 March 2024, well ahead of initial estimates. The Zibulo North Shaft lifeextension project, which will increase the life of our flagship mine through to 2038,also continues to progress well.By 2026, Thungela will be a c.15Mtpa export business (with an estimated 11Mtpafrom South Africa and 4Mtpa from Australia). Our production footprint will changesignificantly in the coming years as production from Elders and Zibulo North isramped-up and some of our existing mines naturally come to the end of their lives(Goedehoop and Isibonelo in 2025, and Greenside in 2026).The complexity of managing an international business requires several changes tothe Group's business model, particularly in how coal from our portfolio is marketedinternationally. To meet this need, we have established Thungela MarketingInternational in the United Arab Emirates, one of the leading coal trading centresglobally.In anticipation of the expiration of the marketing agreement with Anglo AmericanMarketing Limited in June 2024, Thungela Marketing International has commencedwith some of the marketing functions. Thungela Marketing International will cater toboth the South African and Australian assets, reinforcing our commitment tocapturing the full margin on our products and actively participating in theinternational commodities market as a global coal producer.Looking aheadDespite near-term headwinds, our commitment to delivering on our strategicpriorities remains unwavering, ensuring readiness to take advantage of the long-termfundamentals supporting coal demand, and ultimately stronger coal prices, in ourkey markets. In the short term, a sustainable solution to ensure efficient and reliablerail performance is critical and we will continue working with TFR to remedy the stateof rail in South Africa.We continue to evaluate our portfolio with a focus on strengthening the Group'scompetitiveness, optimising capital allocation and ultimately maximising shareholderreturns. We will continue to create sustainable value for all our stakeholders and todeliver on our purpose - to responsibly create value together for a shared future.OPERATIONAL OUTLOOKSouth African operations 2024Export saleable production (Mt) 11.5 – 12.5FOB cost per export tonne* (Rand/tonne) 1,180 – 1,300FOB cost per export tonne excluding royalties* (Rand/tonne) 1,170 – 1,290Capital – sustaining (Rand million) 900 – 1,100Capital – expansionary (Rand million) 1,600 – 1,900Ensham operation 2024 2024Export saleable production (Mt) (on a 100% basis) 3.2 – 3.5 3.2 – 3.5FOB cost per export tonne* (Rand/tonne) | (AU$/tonne) 1,830 – 1,950 150 – 160FOB cost per export tonne excluding royalties* (Rand/tonne) | 1,590 – 1,710 130 – 140(AU$/tonne)Capital – sustaining* (on an 85% basis) (Rand million) | (AU$ 600 – 900 40 – 70million)Capital – expansionary (Rand million) | (AU$ million) nil nilFigures in the table above are based on an exchange rate of ZAR12.20:AUD1. Royalties are calculated using an assumedRichards Bay Benchmark coal price of USD100 per tonne and a Newcastle Benchmark coal price of USD120 per tonne.As the timing of a sustained improvement in rail performance in South Africa is stilluncertain, we have adopted the same approach to guidance as last year and willprovide guidance only for 2024. This approach remains appropriate whenconsidering the agreement between Thungela and Transnet to postpone therenegotiation of the long-term rail agreement by one year in order to allow Transnetto demonstrate sufficient stability before the contract is renegotiated.With regards to Ensham, as we only assumed operational control on 1 September2023, we are currently identifying the potential step-up in performance, establishinghigh confidence cost estimates and understanding the appropriate level of capitalexpenditure beyond 2024. Accordingly, we have only provided guidance for 2024 atthis stage.DIVIDEND DECLARATION AND SHARE REPURCHASEThe board has declared a final ordinary cash dividend of R10.00 per share, payableto shareholders on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchangein April 2024 and May 2024, respectively.In addition, the board has authorised a share repurchase of up to R500 million,subject to market conditions. The program will be executed in the periodcommencing 19 March 2024 and, unless revised or terminated earlier, ending 3 June2024, being the last trading day prior to the Group's next AGM, scheduled forTuesday, 4 June 2024, and will be subject to market conditions and applicable legaland regulatory requirements.Further details regarding the dividend payable to shareholders of Thungela as wellas the share repurchase can be found in a separate announcement dated 18 March2024 on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange News Services (SENS) and LondonRegulatory News Services (RNS).FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTSThis document includes forward-looking statements. All statements included in thisdocument (other than statements of historical facts) are, or may be deemed to be,forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, those regarding Thungela'sfinancial position, business, acquisition and divestment strategy, dividend policy,plans and objectives of management for future operations (including developmentplans and objectives relating to Thungela's products, production forecasts andresource and reserve positions). By their nature, such forward-looking statementsinvolve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may causethe actual results, performance or achievements of Thungela, or industry results, tobe materially different from any future results, performance or achievementsexpressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Thungela thereforecautions that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance.Any forward-looking statement made in this document or elsewhere is applicableonly at the date on which such forward-looking statement is made. New factors thatcould cause Thungela's business not to develop as expected may emerge from timeto time and it is not possible to predict all of them. Further, the extent to which anyfactor or combination of factors may cause actual results to differ materially fromthose contained in any forward-looking statement are not known. Thungela has noduty to, and does not intend to, update or revise the forward-looking statementscontained in this document after the date of this document, except as may berequired by law. Any forward-looking statements included in this document have notbeen reviewed or reported on by the Group's independent external auditor.Investors are cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements and areencouraged to read the full Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31December 2023, which are available from the Thungela website via the followingweb link: PERFORMANCE MEASURESThroughout this results announcement a range of financial and non-financialmeasures are used to assess our performance, including a number of financialmeasures that are not defined or specified under International Financial ReportingStandards (IFRS Accounting Standards), which are termed 'Alternative PerformanceMeasures' (APMs). Management uses these measures to monitor the Group'sfinancial performance alongside IFRS Accounting Standards measures, to improvethe comparability of information between reporting periods. These APMs should beconsidered in addition to, and not as a substitute for, or as superior to, measures offinancial performance, financial position or cash flows reported in accordance withIFRS Accounting Standards. APMs are not uniformly defined by all companies,including those in the Group's industry. Accordingly, these measures may not becomparable with similarly titled measures and disclosures by other companies. Inthis Results Announcement, APMs are denoted with an asterisk (*).RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENTThis Results Announcement, including the forward-looking statements, is theresponsibility of the directors of Thungela.Shareholders are advised that this Results Announcement is only a select extract ofthe information contained in the full Annual Financial Statements and does notcontain full or complete details. Any investment decisions by investors and/orshareholders should be based on a consideration of the full Annual FinancialStatements as a whole and investors and/or shareholders are encouraged to reviewthe full Annual Financial Statements, which are available on the Thungela websitevia the following web link:, and has beenpublished on SENS, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange News Service, at conference call and audio webinar relating to the details of this announcement willbe held at 12:00 SAST (10:00 GMT) on Monday, 18 March 2024. Details to registerfor the webinar and conference call are available below:Conference Call registration: registration: consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 wereaudited by PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. who have issued an unqualified auditopinion. The full independent auditor's report and Annual Financial Statements areavailable for viewing on the Thungela website via the following web link: Results Announcement has not been audited or reviewed by the Group'sindependent external auditor. Any reference to future financial performance includedin this announcement has not been separately reported on by the Group'sindependent external auditor.The Company's registered office is located at: 25 Bath Avenue, Rosebank,Johannesburg, 2196, South Africa.The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company toconstitute inside information as stipulated under the market abuse regulation (EU)no. 596/2014 as amended by the market abuse (amendment) (UK mar) regulations2019. Upon the publication of this announcement via the regulatory informationservice, this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.On behalf of the board of directorsSango Ntsaluba, ChairpersonJuly Ndlovu, Chief executive officerJohannesburg (South Africa)Date of SENS release: 18 March 2024Investor relationsHugo NunesEmail: hugo.nunes@thungela.comShreshini SinghEmail: shreshini.singh@thungela.comMedia contactHulisani RasivhagaEmail: hulisani.rasivhaga@thungela.comUK Financial adviser and corporate brokerLiberum Capital LimitedTel: +44 20 3100 2000SponsorRand Merchant Bank(A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)Tel: +27 11 282 8000Date: 18-03-2024 09:00:00Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information published on SENS. The JSE, their officers, employees and agents accept no liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the use of SENS or the use of, or reliance on, information disseminated through SENS.