Click below to view full PDF article Interim results announcement and cash dividend declarationTHUNGELA RESOURCES LIMITED(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)Registration number: 2021/303811/06JSE Share Code: TGALSE Share Code: TGAISIN: ZAE000296554Tax number: 9111917259(‘Thungela’ or the ‘Company’ and, together with its affiliates, the 'Group')2023 Interim results announcement and cash dividend declarationTHUNGELA REPORTS RESILIENT PERFORMANCE FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED30 JUNE 2023 (“H1 2023”) AND DECLARES R10 PER SHARE DIVIDEND,REAFFIRMING DIVIDEND POLICYKEY FEATURES - Total recordable case frequency rate (TRCFR) improved to 1.33, from 1.59 in June 2022 - Profit for the reporting period of R3.0 billion reflecting a significant decrease in thermal coal prices (H1 2022: R9.6 billion) - Headline earnings of R22.46 per share (H1 2022: R67.23) - Adjusted operating free cash flow* of R4.3 billion (H1 2022: R8.9 billion) and net cash* position of R13.6 billion (H1 2022: R14.8 billion) - Interim ordinary cash dividend declared of R10 per share, 33% of adjusted operating free cash flow*, resulting in R1.4 billion returned to shareholders - Sisonke Employee Empowerment Scheme and Nkulo Community Partnership Trust to receive a contribution of R156 million collectively in keeping with commitment to create shared value - Increased life of mine by 10 years through approval of the Zibulo North Shaft project - Ensham transaction expected to complete by 31 August 2023 - Full year guidance range for export saleable production narrowed to between 11.5Mt and 12.5Mt - Full year guidance for FOB cost per export tonne* revised to R1,120 to R1,200 excluding royalties, or R1,170 to R1,250 per tonne including royalties. Guidance for capital expenditure, both sustaining and expansionary, reiteratedKEY FINANCIAL INFORMATIONFinancial overviewRand million (unless otherwise stated) H1 2023 H1 2022 % changeRevenue 14,359 26,176 (45)Operating costs (10,604) (10,119) 5Profit for the reporting period 3,005 9,630 (69)Earnings per share (cents/share) 2,245 6,723 (67)Headline earnings per share (cents/share) 2,246 6,723 (67)Dividend per share (cents/share) 1,000 6,000 (83)Alternative performance measures*Adjusted EBITDA 4,380 16,679 (74)Adjusted EBITDA margin (%) 31 64 (33pp)Adjusted operating free cash flow 4,298 8,934 (52)Net cash 13,579 14,815 (8)Capital expenditure 893 568 57pp – percentage points change period on periodMessage from July Ndlovu, Chief Executive OfficerThungela continued to advance its strategic priorities, amid challenging market conditions inthe first half of 2023, by investing through the cycle and focusing on what we can control:- Continued to prioritise safety - TRCFR improved to 1.33, from 1.59 in June 2022 (1).- Took measures to strengthen business resilience in the face of softer coal prices and persistent Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) underperformance.- Increased life of mine profile through approval of the Zibulo North Shaft project.- Announced the acquisition of Ensham, marking a significant step in Thungela’s strategy to pursue geographical diversification.- Maintained disciplined capital allocation and reaffirmed dividend policy: interim dividend of R10 per share - 33% of adjusted operating free cash flow*.Safety is our first value and we remain focused on operating a fatality-free business.Tragically our colleague Mr Breeze Mahlangu passed away in February followingcomplications after an accident in December 2022. We have continued our relentlesspursuit to eliminate fatalities in our business and I am encouraged by the improvement inour safety performance, with TRCFR of 1.33 for the first six months of 2023.We have continued to focus on ‘controlling the controllables’ in the face of the challengingexternal factors which characterised the first half of the year and, notwithstanding the softerprice environment and the lack of any improvement in rail performance, Thungela recordedR3.1 billion (R22.45 per share) in earnings attributable to shareholders of the Group, andadjusted EBITDA* of R4.4 billion in the first half of 2023.The Group generated adjusted operating free cash flow* of R4.3 billion for the reportingperiod. The net cash* position stood at R13.6 billion at 30 June 2023. Adjusted operatingfree cash flow* for the period benefited from the fact that sustaining capital spend istraditionally weighted towards the second half of the year, as well as from the unwind ofworking capital.Market fundamentals remain strong despite softer short-term pricesThe pricing environment in the first half of 2023 was substantially weaker compared tothe first half of 2022.Seaborne coal prices fell sharply as European buying slowed significantly on the backof record coal and gas stock levels coming out of a milder winter. This resulted in theredirection of coal volumes to Asian markets which also showed signs of weakerdemand, especially from Japan and China.Efforts to curb inflation through monetary tightening policies globally have also resulted in agrowth slow down with reduced economic activity and demand for energy.Market fundamentals however remain strong and there are reasons to remain optimistic onthermal coal prices. LNG prices are now starting to find support, which will make coal morecompetitive as a fuel source towards the end of the year as the European winterapproaches. Coal production from Russia’s western regions is also slowly being curtailed atcurrent pricing levels.We believe the current price headwinds have marked a pause in attractive prices, ratherthan heralded a sustained downturn. We expect demand for coal to remain robust indeveloping countries, especially in Asia which remains reliant on thermal coal, as countriessuch as China and India continue to build coal-fired power plants.Underinvestment into coal supply has continued, with the exception of China and India(both focusing on domestic supply) and Indonesia, which produces lower quality coal. At thesame time, we have seen an increase in new coal-fired power generation coming online,especially in China, all of which should be supportive of coal prices in the medium to longerterm.Continued underperformance on the part of TFR has again hampered our ability to operateoptimally. TFR achieved an annualised run rate of 48Mtpa for the industry in the first half of2023, a deterioration of 13% compared to the 55Mtpa run rate achieved in the first half of2022. TFR suffered two derailments in May 2023 which cost Thungela at least 340kt in railcapacity. After a particularly poor first quarter, the rail performance stabilised in the secondquarter - following the derailments TFR performance averaged 50Mtpa for the six-weekperiod preceding its annual maintenance shut in July. The stabilisation is the result ofintensive collaboration between TFR and the South African coal industry, includingThungela.A consistently performing and well managed bulk rail infrastructure remains critical to thecoal mining industry and the South African economy. TFR has stated that it will achieve60Mt in the 2023/2024 contractual year. The recent formation of the President’s NationalLogistics Crisis Committee and significant changes to the Transnet board are positiveindications of the intent to achieve improved performance. TFR’s ability to improve railperformance hinges on several important factors, critical of which is the resolution of animpasse which currently prevents TFR from procuring much needed spares andlocomotives.Resilience and readinessWhile softer coal prices and poor rail performance have weighed heavily on Thungela’sperformance in the first half of 2023, we expect these factors to improve over time. TheGroup must therefore ensure that it is both resilient to weaker short-term market conditionsand ready to take advantage of improved conditions as they arise. This implies a continuumof decisive actions and strategies.Creating a resilient business requires focusing on two facets in order to optimise thebusiness for current and future volatility.The first is our decision to structurally resize the portfolio in response to rail constraints.Previously, we had curtailed high-cost operations such as Khwezela. We havesubsequently ramped up Khwezela and reduced underground sections that are starting toface increasingly complex geological conditions.The second is to improve our competitiveness by increasing productivity and ensuring theoptimal cost base for our business. In the event that prices remain depressed for aprotracted period and rail performance does not improve, we may be required to considerfurther revisions to our portfolio.Thungela’s ability to take these actions, to protect cash flow through resizing the portfolioand to improve our competitiveness, is underpinned by the Group’s strong balance sheetand liquidity position. This allows us to weather the challenging market conditions and focuson operational excellence, while continuing to fund our capital projects.Readiness for improved market and infrastructure conditions is premised on structuring theGroup for success regardless of market cycles. While the softer prices and continueduncertainty relating to TFR performance present near-term challenges, this does notchange the Group’s longer-term strategic priorities: to drive our ESG aspirations, maximisethe full potential of our existing assets, create future diversification options and optimisecapital allocation.Maximising value from existing assetsInvesting through the cycle in projects which realise the full potential of our existing assetshas been a key tenet of Thungela’s strategy since listing. We are pleased to report that wecontinue to make good progress on the Elders production replacement project, approved bythe board last year, and we expect first coal from the underground operation by the first halfof 2024, in line with our original target.In June 2023, the board also approved the Zibulo North Shaft project at a total capital costof R2.4 billion. The project will extend the life of our flagship Zibulo operation by at least 10years from 2025.Both projects secure the future of the business by improving the quality and overall costcompetitiveness of the portfolio.Acquisition of Ensham Coal Mine in AustraliaThe proposed acquisition of the Ensham Business in Australia announced in Februarymarks the first milestone of our geographic diversification strategy which aims to furtherenhance the resilience of our portfolio.Ensham is a large, high quality asset with long life potential and provides Thungela withentry into the southern Bowen Basin in Queensland, a leading mining jurisdiction, withmature and well established infrastructure.The transaction was structured to enable the Group to benefit from the economics of theEnsham Business (subject to a limit) between 1 January 2023 and the completion date.Ensham will be acquired at a cost of approximately R4.1 billion and this investment is set tobe earnings and cash flow accretive, with strong potential for a short payback period. Theacquisition also brings increased scale and marketing capability, providing access to Japanand other Asian markets.Thungela will assume operational control of the Ensham Business following completion ofthe transaction, which is expected on 31 August 2023 given that all key regulatoryconditions precedent have now been met, with only a few commercial conditions (such asthe transfer of material supplier contracts) yet to be concluded. A comprehensive roadmaphas been prepared to ensure alignment in terms of priorities, governance and other aspectsof integration.Commitment to capital allocation frameworkThe board reaffirms its commitment to Thungela’s dividend policy to target a minimumpayout of 30% of adjusted operating free cash flow*. The board has accordingly declaredan interim dividend of R10 per share. Thungela shareholders will receive R1.4 billion intotal, which represents 33% of adjusted operating free cash flow* for the period ended30 June 2023. The Sisonke Employee Empowerment Scheme and the Nkulo CommunityPartnership Trust will receive a further R156 million in aggregate.The board's commitment to maximising shareholder value underscores the importance ofthe completion of the Elders and Zibulo North Shaft projects. Approximately R3.8 billion isyet to be spent on these projects, which will not only enhance our portfolio's quality andcompetitiveness but also extend the life of our business.The board also continues to monitor the appropriate timing for the execution of a potentialshare buyback. The prevailing market conditions, and resultant need for balance sheetflexibility, call for a cautious approach to capital allocation until clarity emerges on thetrajectory of a possible recovery in market conditions and rail performance.Looking aheadIt is prudent to narrow our full year export saleable production guidance range for 2023 tobetween 11.5Mt and 12.5Mt. Achieving the lower end of this range requires an annualisedTFR industry run rate of 47Mtpa in the second half of the year – the ongoing collaborationbetween TFR and industry should ensure that this run rate is achieved.The long-term coal market remains structurally attractive and Thungela is building its ownexport marketing capabilities as the offtake agreement with Anglo American comes to anend in mid-2024.We will continue to closely monitor the trajectory of thermal coal prices and railperformance, and the impact this will have on the future size and shape of an appropriateportfolio in terms of cost, productivity and sustaining capital.Thungela’s objectives remain clear: we must continue to focus on the factors we can controlin order to safeguard performance, invest in our strategic projects and maintain disciplinedcapital allocation. This will ensure that we are able to continue to responsibly create valuefor our stakeholders.While much of the focus will be on productivity and cost improvements, it is important toemphasise that focusing on what we are able to control goes hand in hand with operatingresponsibly, ensuring the safety and health of our employees, meeting our responsibilitiesto the environment and delivering on our social obligations. It also requires us to step upour efforts together with industry, government and Transnet to find sustainable solutions tothe logistics challenges facing South Africa.Finally, we are confident that our strategy, disciplined capital allocation approach andenhanced resilience will allow us to navigate the challenging market conditions we arecurrently facing; while improvements to the overall competitiveness of our portfolio willcontinue to create superior returns for our shareholders in the long-term.July Ndlovu21 August 2023Operational Outlook 2023 2023 Previous Revised guidanceExport saleable production (Mt) 11.5 – 12.5 10.5 – 12.5FOB cost per export tonne* (Rand/tonne) 1,170 – 1,250 1,131 – 1,264FOB cost per export tonne excluding 1,120 – 1,200 1,047 – 1,180royalties* (Rand/tonne)Capital – sustaining (Rand billion) 1.3 – 1.5 1.3 – 1.5Capital – expansionary (Rand billion) 1.6 – 1.8 1.6 – 1.8Looking ahead, the Group is updating its operational outlook for the 2023 year, based onoperations for the first six months of the year. The range for export saleable production isaccordingly narrowed to between 11.5Mt and 12.5Mt. Achieving the lower end of this rangerequires an annualised TFR industry run rate of 47Mtpa in the second half of the year.Our guidance for FOB cost per export tonne* for 2023 has been revised to between R1,120and R1,200 excluding royalties. Including royalties, the guidance range is revised tobetween R1,170 and R1,250 per tonne using a forecast Benchmark coal price of USD100per tonne. This increase is primarily due to a lower domestic by-product revenue offset fromIsibonelo and Mafube.Capital expenditure guidance remains unchanged. Our sustaining capital expenditureguidance for 2023 remains between R1.3 billion and R1.5 billion. Expansionary capex isexpected to be between R1.6 billion and R1.8 billion, relating primarily to R1.2 billion for theElders project and R0.5 billion for the Zibulo North Shaft project.The 2023 cost guidance provided reflects the impact of the reduction in undergroundsections already undertaken this year. We have embarked on a programme to improveproductivity across our operations as well as to reduce costs where we have removedproduction. The outcome of this work will be reflected in our 2024 guidance which weexpect to provide when we report our full year results in March 2024.The guidance for 2023 excludes the Ensham Business and we will accordingly only provideguidance after completion of the transaction.Interim dividendThe board has declared an interim ordinary cash dividend of R10.00 per share payable on26 September 2023 and 9 October 2023 to shareholders on the JSE and LSE respectively.Further details regarding the dividend payable to shareholders of Thungela may be found ina separate announcement on SENS and RNS dated 21 August 2023.Footnote(1) TRCFR for H1 2022 was previously reported in the Interim Financial Statements for thesix months ended 30 June 2022 as 1.48. This figure was subsequently updated at year endto reflect the reclassification of an injury from a first-aid case to a medical treatment case.FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTSThis document includes forward-looking statements. All statements included in thisdocument (other than statements of historical facts) are, or may be deemed to be, forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, those regarding Thungela’s financialposition, business, acquisition and divestment strategy, dividend policy, plans andobjectives of management for future operations (including development plans andobjectives relating to Thungela’s products, production forecasts and resource and reservepositions). By their nature, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknownrisks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance orachievements of Thungela, or industry results, to be materially different from any futureresults, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-lookingstatements. Thungela therefore cautions that forward-looking statements are notguarantees of future performance.Any forward-looking statement made in this document or elsewhere is applicable only at thedate on which such forward-looking statement is made. New factors that could causeThungela’s business not to develop as expected may emerge from time to time and it is notpossible to predict all of them. Further, the extent to which any factor or combination offactors may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement are not known. Thungela has no duty to, and does not intend to, updateor revise the forward-looking statements contained in this document after the date of thisdocument, except as may be required by law. Any forward-looking statements included inthis document have not been reviewed or reported on by the Group’s independent externalauditor.Investors are cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements and areencouraged to read the Interim Financial Statements for the six months ended30 June 2023, which are available from the Thungela website via the following web link: PERFORMANCE MEASURESThroughout this results announcement a range of financial and non-financial measures areused to assess our performance, including a number of financial measures that are notdefined or specified under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which aretermed ‘Alternative Performance Measures’ (APMs). Management uses these measures tomonitor the Group’s financial performance alongside IFRS measures to improve thecomparability of information between reporting periods. These APMs should be consideredin addition to, and not as a substitute for, or as superior to, measures of financialperformance, financial position or cash flows reported in accordance with IFRS. APMs arenot uniformly defined by all companies, including those in the Group’s industry. Accordingly,they may not be comparable with similarly titled measures and disclosures by othercompanies. In this results announcement, APMs are denoted with an asterisk (*).ABOUT THIS RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENTThis results announcement is the responsibility of the board of directors of Thungela.Shareholders are advised that this results announcement is only a select extract of theinformation contained in the Interim Financial Statements and does not contain full orcomplete details. Any investment decisions by investors and/or shareholders should bebased on a consideration of the Interim Financial Statements as a whole and investorsand/or shareholders are encouraged to review the Interim Financial Statements which areavailable on the Thungela website via the following web link: and has been published on SENS, theJohannesburg Stock Exchange News Service, at conference call and audio webinar relating to the details of this announcement will beheld at 12:00 SAST (11:00 BST) on Monday 21 August 2023. A recording of the webinar willbe made available on the Thungela website from 15:00 SAST (14:00 BST) on the samedate.Conference Call registration: registration: condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June2023 were reviewed by PricewaterhouseCoopers Incorporated who have issued anunmodified review report. This results announcement and the operational outlook have notbeen audited or reviewed by the Group’s independent external auditor.Copies of the Interim Financial Statements for the six months ended 30 June 2023 may berequested by contacting Thungela Investor Relations by email at are also available for inspection at the Company’s registered office and at the offices ofthe Company’s sponsor, to investors and/or shareholders at no charge, on any businessday between the hours of 08:00 – 17:00. The Company’s registered office is located at: 25Bath Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196, South Africa. The Company's sponsor'soffice is located at: 1 Merchant Place, Cnr Rivonia Road and Fredman Drive, Sandton,2196, South Africa.The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company toconstitute inside information as stipulated under the market abuse regulation (EU) no.596/2014 as amended by the market abuse (amendment) (UK mar) regulations 2019. Uponthe publication of this announcement via the regulatory information service, this insideinformation is now considered to be in the public domain.On behalf of the board of directorsSango Ntsaluba, ChairpersonJuly Ndlovu, Chief executive officerJohannesburg (South Africa)Date of SENS release: 21 August 2023Investor RelationsRyan AfricaEmail: ContactsTarryn GenisEmail: tarryn.genis@thungela.comUK Financial adviser and corporate brokerLiberum Capital LimitedTel: +44 20 3100 2000SponsorRand Merchant Bank(A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)Date: 21-08-2023 08:00:00Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information published on SENS. The JSE, their officers, employees and agents accept no liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the use of SENS or the use of, or reliance on, information disseminated through SENS.