Chief Financial Officer’s Pre-Close Statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2023Thungela Resources Limited(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)(Registration number: 2021/303811/06)JSE share code: TGALSE share code: TGAISIN: ZAE000296554('Thungela' or the 'Company' and together with its affiliates, the 'Group')Chief Financial Officer's Pre-Close Statementfor the financial year ending 31 December 2023Operational agility sees Thungela confirm its full year 2023 guidance despite continuedrail challenges, while also achieving higher than expected production at EnshamDear StakeholderAs we approach the end of 2023, we are proud to report that we have demonstratedresilience in the face of external challenges, made substantial progress in executing ourstrategic objectives, and continued to live up to our purpose - to responsibly createvalue together for a shared future.Based on the Group's performance for the period 1 January 2023 to 30 November 2023("the year to date"(1)), we are set to achieve the full-year guidance metrics as outlined inour 2023 interim results released in August 2023.The following are the key insights into our performance for the year to date and ourexpectations for the financial year ending 31 December 2023.• Energy demand reduced in Europe, China and much of Asia following the milder 2023 Northern Hemisphere winter. This reduction in demand was further exacerbated by already high coal and gas stock levels in key import hubs. Inventory levels in the main coal supply hubs increased due to the low demand in Europe, with more producers shifting their focus to the Asian-Pacific market. Energy prices, including the price of coal, remain volatile and susceptible to ongoing geopolitical tensions.• Benchmark coal prices softened markedly in 2023 following the record levels observed in 2022. The Richards Bay Benchmark coal price(2) has averaged USD122.88/tonne for the year to date, compared to USD270.87/tonne for FY 2022. The Newcastle Benchmark coal price(3) has averaged USD175.15/tonne for the year to date, compared to USD360.19/tonne for FY 2022.• Discount to the Richards Bay Benchmark coal price has been approximately 15% for the year to date, compared to 15% for FY 2022 and 18% for H1 2023. Discounts in the second half of the year narrowed as prices retracted. The average realised export price for product sold ex-Richards Bay Coal Terminal ("RBCT") for the year to date is USD104.85/tonne, compared to USD229.21/tonne for FY 2022.• The premium achieved by Ensham to the Newcastle Benchmark coal price has been approximately 10.4% from completion of the acquisition on 31 August 2023 through to 30 November 2023. This premium is due primarily to the composition of the Ensham sales book which includes volumes sold at fixed prices. The average realised price for product from Ensham is USD153.44/tonne for the same period.• Export saleable production relating to our South African operations is expected to be 12.1Mt for FY 2023, marginally higher than the mid-point of the guidance range of 11.5Mt to 12.5Mt issued in August 2023. The removal of three underground sections in response to poor rail performance resulted in a decrease of 7.6% compared to the prior year (FY 2022: 13.1Mt).• Export saleable production at Ensham(4) for FY 2023 is expected to be 2.9Mt (on a 100% basis), higher than the expectation of 2.7Mt that prevailed upon completion of the acquisition - this increase is primarily due to an enhanced focus on productivity. The attributable export saleable production from Ensham for the Group in FY 2023 is expected to be 0.8Mt - this represents 85% of the total production for the four months from completion of the acquisition to the end of the year (refer to Annexure A).• FOB cost per export tonne excluding royalties for the South African operations for FY 2023 is expected to be at the low end of the revised guidance range of R1,120 to R1,200/tonne issued in August 2023 - this is due to higher- than-expected domestic revenue offsets and a positive movement in the non- cash rehabilitation provisions. Including royalties, the FOB cost per export tonne is expected to be at the low end of the revised guidance range of R1,170 to R1,250/tonne.• FOB cost per export tonne excluding royalties at Ensham(5)is expected to be approximately R1,947/tonne for the period from completion through to the end of the year (refer to Annexure A). Including royalties, the FOB cost per export tonne is expected to be R2,342/tonne.• Export equity sales for the South African operations are expected to be relatively stable year-on-year with 12.1Mt for FY 2023, compared to 12.2Mt in FY 2022.• Export equity sales for Ensham4 are expected to be 3.0Mt for FY 2023. The Group expects to recognise 1.2Mt of sales, representing 100% of the sales in the four months following completion of the transaction (refer to Annexure A).• Capital expenditure for the South African operations for FY 2023 is expected to be R3.0 billion, at the lower end of the guidance range. This consists of R1.4 billion relating to sustaining capital and R1.6 billion relating to expansionary capital for the Elders and Zibulo North Shaft projects.• Capital expenditure at Ensham for FY 2023 is expected to be R1.0 billion (on a 100% basis) - this relates to sustaining capex only. The Group is expected to recognise R0.3 billion which represents the attributable capital expenditure incurred in the period from completion through to the end of the year on an 85% basis (refer to Annexure A).• The Group had a net cash position of R10.5 billion on 30 November 2023. In December 2023 we received the Ensham economic benefit deed payment of R0.8 billion. We also expect to pay R2.1 billion in taxes and royalties in South Africa in December 2023. Taking into account these movements, as well as expected cash generation from operations and capital spend for December, net cash is expected to be approximately R9.6 billion at the end of 2023.Managing the impact of continued poor rail performanceThe inconsistent and poor Transnet rail performance continued to weigh heavily on theSouth African coal mining industry and indeed on the Group's results in the second halfof the year. The annualised industry run rate dropped from 48.0Mtpa in H1 2023 to45.9Mtpa in the second half of the year through to the end of November 2023. Thisresults in an annualised run rate of 47.0Mtpa for the year to date, below the 50.3Mtrailed in 2022.The deterioration in the second half of the year has been primarily attributable to anincrease in security related issues as well as locomotive failures. The coal industry,including Thungela, continues to work closely with Transnet to remedy the securitysituation and has been supporting Transnet through additional security coverage sinceNovember 2023. A sustainable solution is dependent on the procurement of spares forthe locomotives supplied by the Chinese locomotive supplier CRRC, either directly fromCRRC, or from alternative suppliers. Thungela and the coal industry recognises theneed for urgent intervention and RBCT (on behalf of the industry) has placed orderswith alternative suppliers for critical locomotive spares. Transnet is also in the processof procuring locomotive spares from alternative equipment manufacturers.In response to the continued rail underperformance, we curtailed production at threeunderground sections earlier this year and instituted free-on-truck sales in order tobetter manage stockpile capacity at our operations. We continued to truck coal from ouroperations to nearby sidings, allowing for further rail loading options and reducing therisk of train cancellations. The wider distribution pattern and our rapid load-out terminalsare physical infrastructure advantages which allow us to benefit from additional trainswhen TFR experiences problems on certain sections elsewhere on the line. As a result,the Group expects to rail 12.0Mt in 2023.Update on the Ensham acquisitionEarlier this year, we announced the acquisition of the Ensham thermal coal mine inQueensland Australia, marking a significant milestone on our journey to geographicdiversification, and we successfully completed the transaction on 31 August 2023.It was imperative that the acquisition be value accretive for shareholders and thetransaction was structured to enable Thungela to benefit from the economics of theEnsham Business from the lock-box date of 1 January 2023 through to completion. Weare pleased to report that the Group has received R0.8 billion in cash through thismechanism, higher than initial estimates. Together with the final closing adjustments,this results in a reduction in the purchase price of the Ensham Business from the initialR4.1 billion, to approximately R3.2 billion.The acquisition substantially increases Thungela's coal resource base and providesaccess to new markets, notably Japan, as well as exposure to the NewcastleBenchmark coal price. The Ensham sales book consists of volumes sold against theNewcastle Benchmark coal price, the Japanese Reference Price as well as fixed pricecontracts with large utilities.Thungela assumed control of the operations on 1 September 2023, resulting in anenhanced focus on productivity. We are confident that the mine should produce 2.9Mt(on a 100% basis) in 2023, higher than our initial expectation of 2.7Mt at the time ofcompletion of the transaction. The integration of Ensham into the Group has progressedwell and we completed the transition of all services from the previous owner on30 November 2023. Key areas of judgement in relation to the acquisition of the EnshamBusiness, and the impact thereof on the financial results for the year, are in the processof being finalised.Commitment to capital allocation framework and shareholder returnsIn South Africa we also continue to make good progress on the Elders and Zibulo NorthShaft projects which are on track with regard to both the expected completion scheduleand total expected spend. By the end of 2023 we expect to have spent a total ofR1.6 billion on the two projects, with a further R2.8 billion expected to be spent in futureto complete the projects.While agile operational performance has allowed the Group to navigate challenging railand price headwinds this year, a degree of caution pertaining to balance sheet flexibilityremains appropriate as softening coal prices have put the Group on a lower cashgeneration trajectory.Disciplined capital allocation remains a cornerstone of Thungela's strategy, and ourcapital allocation strategy continues to be informed by the funding requirements for ourprojects as well as the continued uncertainty relating to rail performance. Accordingly,the board considers it appropriate to maintain a cash buffer of R5 billion as well as tocontinue to reserve the cash required for the ongoing execution of the Elders and ZibuloNorth Shaft projects.The board also reaffirms that it is committed to shareholder returns in accordance withThungela's stated dividend policy, which is to target a minimum payout of 30% ofadjusted operating free cash flow(6), and the Group's capital allocation framework whichprioritises the return of capital to shareholders while maintaining balance sheetflexibility.Our disciplined capital allocation approach, agility and enhanced resilience have servedus well in 2023, enabling us to execute on our strategic priorities, adapt to changingmarket conditions and ensure that we are able to continue to create superior returns forour shareholders in the long-term.Deon SmithChief Financial OfficerAnnexure A: Ensham accounting treatmentAs a result of the acquisition, Thungela, through its subsidiary Sungela Holdings,obtained an 85% interest in the Ensham Business, with the remaining 15% owned byLX International, through its subsidiary Bowen Investment (Australia).Thungela holds a 75% interest in Sungela Holdings, with the remaining 25% held byAudley Energy and Mayfair Corporations Group (the co-investors). The co-investorspurchase of equity in Sungela Holdings was funded through a mezzanine loan providedby Thungela, which is repayable in February 2025. The co-investors are required toapply 90% of any distributions from Sungela Holdings towards repayment of the loan.The results of the Ensham Business have been included in the Thungela Group resultsfrom the date the Group obtained operational control, being 1 September 2023. Thecontractual agreements governing the Ensham Business result in Thungela recognising85% of the results of the mine on a line-by-line basis, including saleable production.Thungela is responsible for marketing all coal produced by the Ensham Business, andthus sales volumes are recognised at 100%. Attributable metrics from Enshamrepresent the Group's 85% interest therein, other than sales metrics which are at 100%.The incremental costs relating to the 15% of sales volumes are recognised as coalpurchased from our joint venture partner within operating costs. The results of theThungela Group for the year ended 31 December 2022 will not be updated to reflect theresults of the Ensham Business before the date we obtained control thereof.Annexure B: Operational performanceTable 1: Export saleable production by operationExport saleable 2022 2023 % changeproduction Actual Forecast(7)Mt (a) (b) (b-a)/aSouth AfricaUnderground 9.7 9.0 -7% Zibulo 4.3 4.2 -2% Greenside 2.6 1.9 -27% Goedehoop(8) 2.8 2.9 4%Opencast 3.4 3.1 -9% Khwezela 1.6 1.6 — Mafube 1.8 1.5 -17%Australia Ensham (85%) 0.0 0.8 —TOTAL 13.1 12.9 -2%Table 2: Export sales by segmentExport sales 2022 2023 % changeMt Actual Forecast(7)South Africa 12.2 12.1 1%Underground 8.8 9.3 6%Opencast 3.4 2.8 -18%AustraliaEnsham (100%) 0.0 1.2 —Export sales 0.0 1.0 —Domestic sales 0.0 0.2 —TOTAL 12.2 13.3 9%Footnotes 1. All references to "year to date" refer to the period from 1 January 2023 to 30 November 2023 (FY 2023). FY 2022 refers to the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022. 2. Richards Bay Benchmark price reference for 6,000kcal/kg thermal coal exported from the Richards Bay Coal Terminal. 3. Newcastle Benchmark price reference for 6,000kcal/kg coal exported from Newcastle, Australia. The NEWC Index is the main price reference for physical coal contracts in Asia and is the settlement price for a significant volume of index- linked contracts. 4. Production at Ensham is crushed and screened before being sold into either the export or Australian domestic market. Sales into the Australian domestic market are at export parity prices and, as a result, all production at Ensham is considered to be export saleable production. 5. Based on an average ZAR/AUD exchange rate of R12.05:AUD1.00 for the four months from the completion of the acquisition. 6. Adjusted operating free cash flow is net cash flows from operating activities less sustaining capex. 7. Based on the latest available management forecasts. Final figures may differ by ± 5%. 8. Export saleable production for Goedehoop includes approximately 715kt (2022: 372kt) attributable to the Nasonti operation.Review of Pre-Close StatementThe information in this Pre-Close Statement is the responsibility of the directors ofThungela and has not been reviewed or reported on by the Group's independentexternal auditor.A trading statement will be released once the Company has reasonable certainty on theexpected ranges for EPS and HEPS and to the extent required by the JSE ListingRequirements.Investor Call DetailsA conference call and audio webinar relating to the details of this announcement will beheld at 13:00 SAST on Wednesday, 13 December 2023. A recording of the audiowebinar will be made available on the Thungela website from 17:00 SAST on the samedate – Call registration: webinar registration: announcement includes forward-looking statements. All statements other thanstatements of historical facts contained in this announcement, including, withoutlimitation, those regarding Thungela's financial position, business, acquisition anddivestment strategy, dividend policy, plans and objectives of management for futureoperations (including development plans and objectives relating to Thungela's products,production forecasts and Reserve and Resource positions), are, or may be deemed tobe, forward-looking statements. By their nature, such forward-looking statementsinvolve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause theactual results, performance or achievements of Thungela or industry results to bematerially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed orimplied by such forward-looking statements. The Group assumes no responsibility toupdate forward-looking statements in this announcement except as may be required bylaw.The information contained in this announcement is deemed by the Company toconstitute inside information as stipulated under the market abuse regulation (EU) no.596/2014 as amended by the market abuse (amendment) (UK mar) regulations 2019.Upon the publication of this announcement via the regulatory information service, thisinside information is now considered to be in the public domain.Investor RelationsRyan AfricaEmail: SinghEmail: shreshini.singh@thungela.comMedia ContactsHulisani RasivhagaEmail: hulisani.rasivhaga@thungela.comUK Financial adviser and corporate brokerLiberum Capital LimitedTel: +44 20 3100 2000SponsorRand Merchant Bank(a division of FirstRand Bank Limited)Rosebank13 December 2023Date: 13-12-2023 09:00:00Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information published on SENS. The JSE, their officers, employees and agents accept no liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the use of SENS or the use of, or reliance on, information disseminated through SENS.