Ordinary cash dividend declarationTHUNGELA RESOURCES LIMITED(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)Registration number: 2021/303811/06JSE Share Code: TGALSE Share Code: TGAISIN: ZAE000296554Tax number: 9111917259(‘Thungela’ or the ‘Company’ and, together with its affiliates, the 'Group')ORDINARY CASH DIVIDEND DECLARATIONThe Thungela board of directors approved the declaration of an interim gross ordinarycash dividend of 1,000.00 cents per share (South African rand). The dividend has beendeclared from retained earnings accrued during the six-month period ended 30 June2023. The Company’s issued share capital at the declaration date is 140,492,585ordinary shares.The salient dates pertaining to the cash dividend are as follows: JSE LSEDeclaration of ordinary cash dividend Monday, Monday,and currency conversion rate 21 August 2023 21 August 2023announcedLast day for trading to qualify and Tuesday, Wednesday,participate in the dividend 19 September 2023 20 September 2023Trading ex-dividend commences Wednesday, Thursday, 20 September 2023 21 September 2023Record date Friday, Friday, 22 September 2023 22 September 2023Payment date to shareholders Tuesday, Monday, 26 September 2023 9 October 2023No transfers of shareholdings to and from South Africa or the United Kingdom will bepermitted between Tuesday, 19 September 2023 and Friday, 22 September 2023 (bothdates inclusive). Share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised betweenWednesday, 20 September 2023 and Friday, 22 September 2023 (both dates inclusive).Any changes to the dividend instructions and timetable will be announced on SENSand RNS.The salient dates have been set as above in order to allow non-South African residentshareholders sufficient time to apply for a reduced rate of dividend withholding tax in theevent that they may qualify for this.The dividend is payable in South African rand to shareholders recorded as such on theregister on the record date and whose shares are held through Central SecuritiesParticipants and brokers traded on the JSE.Shareholders on the United Kingdom register of members will be paid in Pound sterling.The Pound sterling cash equivalent will be calculated using the following exchange rate:GBP1:ZAR24.26300, being the five-day (business days) average GBP:ZAR exchangerate (Bloomberg) up to Thursday, 17 August 2023.Shareholders are encouraged to ensure that their bank mandates or internationalpayment instructions have been recorded by their service provider or registrars beforethe last day to trade for this dividend. Electronic payments ensure more efficient andtimely payment. It should be noted that cheques are no longer permitted to be issued orprocessed by South African banks; however, in the UK registrars will still issue and postcheques in the absence of specific mandates or payment instructions.TAX TREATMENT FOR SHAREHOLDERS ON THE SOUTH AFRICAN REGISTERThe dividend will have no tax consequences for Thungela but will be subject to 20%withholding tax for shareholders who are not exempt from dividends tax, or who do notqualify for a reduced rate of withholding tax in terms of any applicable agreement for theavoidance of double taxation (DTA) concluded between South Africa and the country ofresidence of the shareholder.Should dividend withholding tax be withheld at a rate of 20%, the net dividend amountdue to shareholders is 800.00 cents per share (South African rand) – 1,000.00 centsgross dividend per share less 200.00 cents dividend withholding tax per share.TAX TREATMENT FOR SHAREHOLDERS ON THE UK REGISTERThungela has retained Computershare UK as intermediary to receive and process therelevant prescribed declarations and forms as set out below. Any reference below todocumentation which is required to be submitted to Thungela, should therefore besubmitted to Computershare UK.Non-South African tax resident shareholders will be paid the dividend subject to 20%withholding tax for shareholders. Certain non-South African tax resident shareholdersmay, however, be entitled to a reduced rate of dividends tax due to the provisions of anapplicable tax treaty.Shareholders who qualify for an exemption from dividends tax in terms of section 64F ofthe South African Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 must provide:- A declaration that the dividend is exempt from dividends tax.- A written undertaking to inform the regulated intermediary should the circumstances affecting the exemption change or the beneficial owner cease to be the beneficial owner, both in the form prescribed by the Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service to the regulated intermediary prior to the required date in order to benefit from the exemption. The prescribed form has been transposed onto the Computershare UK format.Shareholders on the UK register will be sent the required documentation for completionand return to Computershare UK. Qualifying shareholders on the UK register areadvised to arrange for the above mentioned documents to be submitted toComputershare UK by Friday, 15 September 2023.Should dividend withholding tax be withheld at a rate of 20%, the net dividend amountdue to shareholders is 32.98 pence per share (Pound sterling) – 41.22 pence grossdividend per share less 8.24 pence dividend withholding tax per share.By order of the board.Date of SENS release: 21 August 2023DISCLAIMERThe information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company toconstitute inside information as stipulated under the market abuse regulation (EU) no.596/2014 as amended by the market abuse (amendment) (UK mar) regulations 2019.Upon the publication of this announcement via the regulatory information service, thisinside information is now considered to be in the public domain.Transfer Secretaries (UK)Computershare Investor ServicesEmail: WebCorres@computershare.co.ukTransfer Secretaries (South Africa)Computershare Investor Services Proprietary LimitedEmail: Web.Queries@computershare.co.zaInvestor RelationsRyan AfricaEmail: ryan.africa@thungela.comUK Financial adviser and corporate brokerLiberum Capital LimitedTel: +44 20 3100 2000SponsorRand Merchant Bank(A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)Date: 21-08-2023 08:01:00Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information published on SENS. The JSE, their officers, employees and agents accept no liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the use of SENS or the use of, or reliance on, information disseminated through SENS.