Thungela confirmation of treasury shares held and share repurchase updateThungela Resources Limited(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)(Registration number: 2021/303811/06)JSE share code: TGALSE share code: TGAISIN: ZAE000296554('Thungela' or the 'Company' and together with its affiliates, the 'Group')THUNGELA CONFIRMATION OF TREASURY SHARES HELD AND SHAREREPURCHASE UPDATEConfirmation of treasury shares heldThe following notification is made in accordance with the UK Financial Conduct Authority'sDisclosure Guidance and Transparency Rule 5.6.At 31 May 2024, the Group holds a total of 7,446,294 shares in treasury. This includes6,194,139 shares held directly by subsidiaries and 1,252,155 shares held in separatebroker accounts for employees. The shares held in employee broker accounts relate toshare awards in terms of the Thungela share plan which have not yet vested. Theseshares are considered treasury shares for Thungela until the awards have vested, in linewith the rules of the Thungela share plan.The 6,194,139 treasury shares held directly by subsidiaries do not carry voting rights.The total number of ordinary shares in issue which carry voting rights amounts to134,298,446.This information may be used by shareholders (and others with notification obligations)as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine whether they arerequired to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in the Company.Share repurchase updateOn 18 March 2024, the Company announced a share repurchase which commenced on19 March 2024 and was completed on 3 June 2024. The share repurchase was effectedin accordance with the general authority received by way of a shareholder specialresolution passed at the Thungela Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 31 May 2023.This allowed Thungela Operations Proprietary Limited, a subsidiary of the Group, torepurchase up to 10% of the issued share capital of the Company, subject to certainlimitations.The Company's ordinary shares were repurchased on the Johannesburg Stock Exchangeduring the period 19 March 2024 to 3 June 2024, for a total consideration ofR441,615,378, equivalent to 3,307,667 ordinary shares or 2.35% of issued share capitalat an average price of R133.21 per share. Subject to the resolution put forward to theshareholders as part of the AGM to be held on 4 June 2024, the Thungela board willcontinue to evaluate further share repurchases as part of its capital allocation review.Rosebank3 June 2024Investor RelationsHugo NunesEmail: hugo.nunes@thungela.comShreshini SinghEmail: shreshini.singh@thungela.comMediaHulisani RasivhagaEmail: hulisani.rasivhaga@thungela.comUK Financial adviser and corporate brokerLiberum Capital LimitedSponsorRand Merchant Bank(a division of FirstRand Bank Limited)Date: 03-06-2024 05:30:00Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information published on SENS. The JSE, their officers, employees and agents accept no liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the use of SENS or the use of, or reliance on, information disseminated through SENS.